Maintenance Planning

Why is Maintenance Planning so important?

We believe that maintenance planning is a central part of any maintenance operation. It is core to equipment update and maintenance efficiency and effectiveness. Although that sounds like stating the obvious, many organizations are not reflective of this truth.

gray concrete wall inside building
gray concrete wall inside building
The state of Maintenance Planning in Mining

Planning is central, and if the function is central, stability in planning teams should be a priority. Yet, the observed reality in many organizations struggle with high planning team turnover.

We have spoken to countless planners who feel frustrated in their roles, often feeling that their discipline is seen as an administrative function rather than a function central to the maintenance organization.

white and black abstract painting
white and black abstract painting
Looking ahead

As we work with customers, we would like to see the maintenance planning function restored to its rightful place in the overall maintenance team - as a core discipline and function without which maintenance execution, and ultimately, equipment performance and cost efficiency, will suffer.

We will strive to provide planning resources to the teams on the ground and their leaders, and attempt to build a maintenance planning community in the mining industry that can work towards achieving these objectives.

worm's-eye view photography of concrete building
worm's-eye view photography of concrete building

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